The Acts 9:17 Project
Ananias was a believer living in Damascus when Paul arrived, blinded from his encounter with Christ during the trip. God told Ananias to go see Paul, but having heard of Paul’s persecution of believers Ananias didn’t want to go. Of course not!
God gives assignments to all of us. Some tasks are easy and appealing, some are scary or distasteful. God offered Ananias a scary task. He did it, and it worked out well. Of course! [1]
Christianity is about relationships. So is The Acts 9:17 Project.
Just as God asked Ananias to care for ailing Paul, Scripture commands us to care for those who are in distress—at least 38 times it does. People in distress includes many of the 1,500,000 Americans who live in nursing homes, where two thirds of the people do not get more than one visit from an outsider in one year! [2] That’s tragic neglect!
We who are part of the Center for Bold Action are called to offer friendship and spiritual food to women and men who are not served by the church because they are homebound or live in a care facility. It can be tremendously rewarding!
Don't take our word for it; watch this
six-minute video of "former fraidies"
who found out how much fun it can
be to visit new friends. And to do so
with confidence and after only a
brief session for equipping.
Turn the sound on.
How The Acts 9:17 Project Can Become a Useful Ministry
The Acts 9:17 Project is our newest effort to recruit and equip active Christians to visit with—to know and befriend—people who need them and want to be friends.
We are trying a new approach. We have found a facility that wants visitors who will
visit their residents. Next, we identified nearby churches and wrote to their pastors.
We hope to meet with them to describe the training and show the materials. If we can,
from among these churches we will recruit volunteers who are interested in improving
the quality of social and spiritual life of lonely women and men. Such activity obeys
and honors God, and is enriching for both the person visited and the visitor.
There is no charge to volunteers, their churches, or the facility for materials or training. The only obligation is the obedience a church or individual believes is proper in response to God's call to them. That's to God, not to us.
Training and materials are consistent with traditional interpretation of the Bible. We give a copy of The Good News Book, Remembering the Life of Jesus, The Touching Grace Workshop Guide, and Touching Grace: Montessori Methods and the Touch of Christ, plus an assortment of SmilesUp conversation starter cards to each participant who plans to use them in eldercare visitation. These may be seen on the Store tab and will be shown during
any conversation with an interested pastor.
We have just completed a brochure about The Acts 9:17 Project. Click the PDF button to see it.
Every Christ-centered, God-conducted ministry grows its participants; the whole body of believers benefits.
1. It is an act of obedience. (How has disobedience benefitted you or your church?)
2. It develops spiritual depth in those who participate. (Sometimes we learn the most when we are
overwhelmed and rely on God as if He were the last resort. Well, it's better than not learning.)
3. It may lead to evangelism. People in late life are interested in the hereafter. They are receptive to
the good news of the gospel. (The thief on the cross would tell us that it is never too late.)
4. Late-age elders have much to teach the rest of us. (We're never too old to get wiser.)
And please, please, please pray that God will raise up missionaries to this field of ministry.
What would you like to do? We'll help if we can. Email either Diana or Rich:
[1] Paul’s full report of this life-transforming incident is recorded at Acts 9:10-19.
[2] (2005) State of Oklahoma Health Department and (2006) Texas Department of Aging and Disability Service
(2006) Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services