New Short Video May Help You Recruit Visitors
A friend I greatly admire but have yet to meet is Ben Boland, a chaplain to the late-aged. Ben regularly writes and speaks about aged care ministry, and passionately promotes and resources the gospel for older people. He is currently writing an MA project at Moore College about developing a theology of older people with specific reference to sexuality.
He lives in Stanthorpe, Queensland, Australia, which looks to me as the sort of place I'd want to live if I were in Australia. Alas, my paternal grandmother came to the U.S. from Scotland via Canada, and though I rejoice in being here, one can't but wonder, what if? That's a great country with great people down there!
Ben and his brother have put together a stimulating five-minute video to correct five myths about dementia. This really delivers a message the church needs to hear. Listen to it as often as it takes to learn the facts and sensible arguments he presents. Make good things happen! Click here to see it.
You have his permission to show it wherever it can be helpful. One of the best things you could do is to show this to your church leadership.