February 2019 TG Newsletter
That was the essence of the bulletin insert we ran for two weeks at our church a few years ago. We sought to find people with compassion for people who live in long-term care but who had never gone to visit. Thousands of neglected, even rejected, late-age elderly battle loneliness, confusion, anxiety, and depression as they wait for death.
Seven adults who dared enough and cared enough attended a Sunday afternoon ministry experience. Only 25 minutes of training and then BOOM! straight over to a nursing home where Diana had made arrangements for our group to come visit and give real ministry. The video shows clips from interviews before and after their visits. See what you think.
The video is about 6 minutes long.
an activity of recall and perception
This activity stimulates cognition and recall and, BEST OF ALL, WE THINK, it elicits conversation. Within the population of dementia influenced women and men, our favorite sound is conversation. We like comments, questions, wild guesses, wrong answers, puzzlement, wisdom, encouragement, and we especially love it when a person who hasn't talked much talks!
Those are the sorts of things generated by this activity and our other "sounds" activities. An audio CD has a selection from each instrument. These are grouped by volume number. There are two sets of the CD cues for each volume, one in alphabetical order (as are the cards) and the other in random sequence. Because it stimulates conversation so well, it is ideal for one-to-one use. Play the alphabetical selection first. Player can cover each instrument with a chip after it is identified. Remove the chips and play same group, using the random sequence. Volume 1 includes 3 familiar singalongs; Vol 2 has 1; Vol 3 has 1. The package includes the 3 each of 3 different cards, instructions, and an audio CD. The cards are 8.5 x 11 inches, printed in bright colors on heavy (14 pt) card stock. Three people can play together. This activity fascinates everyone, including children.
Usually: $19.95 Through the end of February: $9.95
See at Store on CenterForBoldAction.org

For most people—well, it is for me so I hope I’m one of these mythical “mosts”—praying (1) in a disciplined way (2) on a regular basis is hard.
(1) My discipline, that is, my self-control, tends to increase as I recognize the incredible privilege of communicating with the creator of the universe. I’m quite sure that I’d respond promptly to an invitation to talk with the governor of my state or with President Trump. Yet humans, even those of us who say we take our faith’s admonitions seriously, are careless about this. Or is it just me?
(2) On a regular basis? Some years ago I ghost-wrote a book-length manuscript “autobiography” for an elderly self-made philanthropist. (It was the only time I have stooped so low. In that way.) The wealthy man instructed me that God was to receive credit for his considerable financial success. I followed instructions.
Wanting the book to emulate a godly lifestyle, as he had said was his desire, I concluded the manuscript with a few words of encouragement and the statement as if in the man’s own words, “I will pray every day that you and all readers will follow God’s principles and find great joy in fellowship with Him.”
When the man had time to read the manuscript, we met face to face in his office to discuss it. We had not even sat down when he exclaimed, “Pray every day?” His voice was loud, angry, “Every day?” He collapsed into his chair as if he had been assigned to an evil POW camp. I sat through his verbal abuse, was paid, and he had his secretary write his “autobiography.”
What Can Help You
These suggestions will help you set apart the privilege of prayer as a regular act with a special mindset helps
(1) Closing out distractions from the outer world is as easy as you are willing to make it. That’s why we close our eyes, for example. A quiet place at a regular unhurried time . A moment to relax, to breathe gently, to unwind from the day also help.
Consider whom you are talking with. Prayer is a huge privilege, yet we can let it seem like another chore. How offensive such indifference must seem to God who loves us always. Praying and even reading prayers written by other people enriches you and teaches you how to pray. You’ll probably find at least one book of prayers you like at your nearest thrift store.
(2) A prayer list helps you keep going. I see my prayer list taped to a shelf edge beyond the computer screen. For serious prayer time I pull it down and pray person by person. At odd moments I spot a name and offer a quick prayer.
A pledge helps. I’m going on record here. You can tell your plan to a friend; it’s accountability.
What do you do when a person on the prayer list dies? I leave the name there for a while. No more prayer for healing; that is done. But you can thank God for the positive influence that person had on your life. Pray for their family members and that people who knew the deceased will grow into the good character the deceased had and thus somewhat take their place.
Create a personal “Museum of Answered Prayer,” a record of occasions when it was clear that God was at work for your welfare. (He always is but list the special ones to review when you are discouraged.) Our 8.5 x 11” large print book, Talking With God, has a special page for this. See at Store on CenterForBoldAction.org
Include all of the topics God likes to hear from us: Praise, Repentance, Appreciation, Yieldedness, Intercession, Needs and desires, so that God responds. These are expanded upon in our books: Strong Prayer, Strong Woman and Strong Prayer, Strong Man. Just click the Store tab on our home page.
We are unsure if this item from our satchel of fake advertising should cause us to smile.